Barra Portfolio Manager

Designed to help build better portfolios

bpm-logo-large.jpgBarra Portfolio Manager delivers the next generation of equity portfolio management tools and is designed to help fund managers and their teams build better portfolios, regardless of investment process. It allows users to gain additional portfolio insight, manage a more systematic investment process and make faster, more informed investment decisions – all on one integrated, flexible, risk and performance platform. 

With an easy-to-use, interactive user interface, Barra Portfolio Manager offers a broad range of equity portfolio analytics, advanced workflow tools, and high quality data. It introduces Barra-defined workspaces and reports that can be tailored to the needs of each user, and reduces the total cost of ownership by integrating both risk and performance attribution onto one platform, centralizing data and leveraging the latest technology.

The layout and design of Barra Portfolio Manager helps users to quickly and easily analyze risk and return, monitor portfolios and conduct pre-trade ‘what if’ analysis across a number of scenarios before making edits to a portfolio’s trade list or rebalancing a portfolio. 


More Equity Analytics:  Risk and Performance in One Platform  

Gain Flexibility:  Tailored to Your Needs

Reduce Data Management:  Secure, Hosted Platform

Increased Collaboration:  Define and Share Personalized Workspaces



Future releases of Barra Portfolio Manager will add further capabilities for developing, testing and managing investment products. Over time, MSCI plans to add additional portfolio construction capabilities for strategy development, back testing, optimized rebalancing, alpha investigation, and standard web-based interfaces (APIs).

To find out more about how Barra Portfolio Manager can be used within your equity investment process, please contact us.




Existing Barra Aegis Clients

Getting started is easy! Simply complete the Barra Order Form and an addendum to an existing Barra License Agreement to add the online service. Contact us to get started now.